Come visit our Magic Pumpkin Patch at the neighborhood pavilion. Once the children plant their magic pumpkin seed our pumpkin fairy will use her magic to make it grow! 
When: Sunday, October 29th
Planting Time: 2:00 – 3:00
Pumpkin Pickup: Pick up your pumpkins during Trick-or-Treating on Halloween Night!
Make sure to come see us at the pavilion while you are trick-or-treating this year. We will be set up with decorations and handing out candy!
We are hosting a Neighborhood Canned Food Drive for the Samaritan Community Center on Halloween this year. Bring your donations to the pavilion while you are visiting the Magic Pumpkin Patch or out trick-or-treating to donate!
Current Needs:
Canned Soup
Canned Beans
Canned Chili
Canned Veggies
Canned Fruit
Canned Meats